Ask Q takes a different approach to recruitment

Ask Q takes a different approach to recruitment


Ask Q likes to rethink assumptions that others don't question. That is what we do for our clients. It also is something that is reflected, not only in the way we communicate and in the layout of our office, but also in our view of recruitment.


Why recruit intensively? 

By the end of 2021, we will have expanded our team until it includes 10 to 15 people. That is not an ambition, but a necessity. More and more clients are looking for an extension of their legal department. Ask Q needs to build sufficient capacity. 


Job with variety and growth opportunities 

Traditional staffing players rely solely on freelance legal interim managers. The core of our story however is the permanent Ask Q team. Starters and experienced personnel who we recruit, train, and educate. They don't work for just one legal department, but for three or four. This ensures a unique variety in job content and an opportunity for accelerated growth. ‘Side by side' and 'no nonsense' are two of our core values that play a leading role in this respect.


Slow hiring

We hire slowly. That is one of our mantras. So we take plenty of time to really get to know the candidates. And vice versa: candidates are given the time and space to get to know us before they make the switch. In each new step of the selection process, we introduce something surprising to keep it interesting for both parties.


How do we keep things interesting?

  • Initial introduction via video call 
  • analyzing an engaging case together
  • attending a telephone conversation with a client 
  • long walk with team members
  • going for a (virtual) drink with one of the partners of Quinz. 

Whoever comes on board with us, knows us and we already know him or her pretty well. An investment like this from both sides is what guarantees a long and happy collaboration. 


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